Thursday, July 12, 2018
Friday, May 5, 2017
Six years in the blink of an eye
Well, I'm back. Wow, it's been a long time. I don't know why I quit writing this blog - with the exception that their were some worthless SOB's watching it, thinking they could get me in trouble at work. Well, I have since retired from that retard show and moved on to more interesting things in life. I've been writing and making movies. My film, PLATYPOSSUM, debuted in an unfinished form at the Cape Comic Con in Cape Girardeau, MO a couple weeks ago. It will make an honest and finished debut here in Carbondale, Illinois at the Varsity Theater on August 19th, 2017.
Anyway, I figured I'd drop in and say "howdy" again. I'll come back more often, I promise. In the meantime, here's a listing of all my books on Buy one, would ya? Thanks.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
New Year, New Hope

Well, here we are more than two weeks into the new year. I've been trying to finish the screenplay to SH*TSUCKERS FROM OUTER SPACE. With luck, I'll finish it by month's end. We'll film it when the weather gets a little warmer, and I get my tax return back and buy that high-definition digital video camera. Til then, we'll work on short little films. Check out the first one, FARTULA, over at my Facebook page. Just go to Facebook and look me up. Next weekend, we're going to film my entry into the PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE short film contest, and probably the sequel to Fartula, FARTULA RISES AGAIN. I'm dedicating 2011 to exploring film making....and I'm slowly learning the ins and outs of Final Cut Pro. Ought to be fun. I'll post the videos on youtube soon. Til then, you'll have to visit Facebook to see them.
Monday, December 20, 2010
almost Christmas

When I was young and naive, I used to think that you reaped what you sowed. If you were a good person, good things happened to you. You passed on the goodness, so to speak. Sadly, now that I am older and, I hope, wiser, I realize that the world, as Ronnie James Dio (R.I.P.) so appropriately put it: "is full of kings and queens who blind your eyes and steal your dreams."
My advice for the new year?
Don't let them.
Be a dreamer. It's the only way this shit-hole of a world will change.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Monday, September 20, 2010
been a while
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Countdown to extinction

Well, here I am on the eve of my 49th birthday. It still amazes me I've made it this far. So many good people I've known have perished while I survived. Makes you wonder about the design of the universe and whether or not there is a plan at all. My father died at the ripe young age of 50 and it bothers me that I am approaching that age. But, I figure if it's my time, it's my time. There are so many people my age and younger who seem to have given up on life. I refuse to do that, although I sometimes find myself giving up on the human race. I've been trying not to do that, either....even though it is hard sometimes. Things like the oil spill in the Gulf and the ensuing lack of concern by my fellow man just really, really, really bother me. We're all so insensitive to things these days. All so self-centered. Or, at least, that's the way it seems to me. I could go on and on about things.....and I probably should. Things just aren't right, my friends. So, I try my best to be a good person, love my children, be a good father, and dream of a better day for us all. I think, in the end, optimism is the best answer to the pessimism the world throws our way. Smile at the SOB''ll confuse their tiny little minds....and maybe, if we are lucky, it just might rub off on the idiots. One can only hope.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
There I was on a July morning looking for love

The title for this installment comes from one of my favorite bands, Uriah Heep. They played in Chicago last night but I missed it. First time they've been in the states in ten years. Damn, I'm gonna regret that. I always loved the song "July Morning" with its anthemish keyboard intro and the twenty years+ dead voice of David Byron. Their new lead singer, Bernie Shaw, has sung with them for twenty years. They're still a viable band. Their 2008 album, "Wake the Sleeper", rocks. Wish I'd seen them.
The illustration to this installment was done to accompany perhaps the most controversial story I've ever written. "Mary had a little lamb" is about the daughter of God. Things don't go so well for her when she is sent to St. Louis to face her destiny. The story ended on a positive note, though. It was written way back in the good ol' 1980's. It never found a home....till recently, that is. It was published in an online magazine about six months back. I really love this illustration because it captures the mood of the story perfectly. If you like the illustration, hunt down "Marginal Boundaries" on the good ol' Internet. Lots of good stories in there.
Anyway, I need to try to sleep now, folks. Have a happy 4th of July.
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