It's been a while since I posted, so I figured I'd catch people up on what's been going on. Since my last post, I've had strep throat, a sinus infection and, now, a cold that simply won't go away. It always happens to me when the weather shifts so drastically. It was below 30 degrees two mornings ago. It's probably close to 60 out right now. That plays havoc on my middle-aged body. I came home from work yesterday at 10, slept till 3, ate, went back to bed, slept till 5, got up and watched some tv, went to bed at 8 and woke up this morning at 7. Still tired as heck. I'll survive, I guess, but I wish the weather wouldn't change so much so quickly. Guess I need to move to the Florida keys or something. Then, all I have to worry about is hurricanes.
Anyway, DEVLIN'S DESCENT is well under way. Chapter 6 will be posted on Sunday over at www.annihilationpress.com website. Trying to give the place a little traffic. I know several people are following the book right now. I haven't advertised it much because I wanted to get a few chapters up first. I actually started printing MURDER AT PK'S, too. About a third of the way done with the printing, I guess. It's overdue, but that's the way I roll, I guess. Better late than never.
Hope everyone is well. My head hurts.
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