Well, another weekend is upon me. I have the kids most of the weekend, so getting anything done is problematic at best. I'm so far behind I think I'm ahead, as my mother would say. But, I've actually been working on producing those Wayne Allen Sallee FIENDS BY TORCHLIGHT hardcovers that are so overdue it's silly. I found a website out there (there's a website for everything) that sells imitation leather bookcover paper and ordered up a bunch of sheets. I already had some bookcover paper but, in hindsight, I didn't like the color much. I should have the paper soon, and I'm trying to sew at least one book a day. It takes about an hour to sew a book because I was an idiot and produced it as 8-page signatures. Never again on that, my friends. Only 32 page signatures from here on out. And, with luck, I'll begin to format HELL IN THE HEARTLAND within the next week. I don't know if I mentioned it, but this Fall Brad Moore and I are working on a low-budget horror film. It'll be a lot of work but a lot of fun, too.
As for me....well, I'm trying to have a more positive outlook on life these days. I'm taking the kids down to the Farmer's market here in a bit. It's a beautiful day out, and we'll all try to enjoy it. You do the same, my friends. I'll write more later.
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