Time seems to be flying by me these days. On Monday, I am making the trek to Chicago for a book launch party for HELL IN THE HEARTLAND, an anthology I co-edited with the lovely Martel Sardina. I'm looking forward to getting the hell out of dodge for a couple days. It'll be a quick little jaunt- drive up on Monday, drive back on Tuesday-and I hope to meet many of the authors in HITH. These trips almost always give me ideas for new stories, too. I could write volumes about my friend Wayne Allen Sallee and some of his antics, but you should check out his blog and read it yourself. http://www.frankenstein1959.blogspot.com I think it is. He likes to write about Chicago and posts some interesting pictures. He also has a webpage at www.wayneallensallee.com
For those who are interested in purchasing HELL IN THE HEARTLAND, you can send me a paypal of $12.95 to rtrexler@siu.edu. It's a worthy anthology and I've submitted it to Ellen Datlow's Year's Best Horror. Cross your fingers there.
Hope everyone is doing well. I'll write more when the muse and mood are one and the same.