It's been a while since I last posted. A week ago today (Saturday, March 1) I roadtripped to St. Louis to see the one and only Robin Trower with my buddy (and artist extraordinaire) Brad Moore, his lady Diana, a gal name Sherry, a dude named Wildman and his wife. It was an awesome show. I've been a fan of Robin Trower since the 70's. The first time I heard "Too Rolling Stoned", I was hooked. "Bridge of Sighs" only cemented that love. The man isn't one of those flashy guitarists that play ten million notes a second. His music is about the atmosphere, although he can produce a smoking hot guitar solo with the best of them as well. I highly recommend checking him out. www.robintrower.com or www.trowerpower.com
While you're at it, check out the young kids that opened for him. They're called LOGOs. They're a three-piece from St. Louis. The guitarist and bassist are each 18 YEARS OLD!!!! The drummer is only 23. They rocked in an old-fashioned way. I enjoyed them immensely - so much so that I might go see them in Belleville, Il next Saturday. Here's their website - www.myspace.com/logosrock
You'll thank me for them.
Lastly, two of my all-time favorite bands are coming out of limbo to release new music. Nazareth (whose rock ballad "Love Hurts" is still playing on classic rock stations) just released THE NEWZ. It's a great album....but only available as an import at the moment. On June 2nd, Uriah Heep releases their new album, "Wake the Sleeper". It has been ten years since either band released new music. Heep's site is www.uriah-heep.com
Nazareth's website is www.nazarethdirect.co.uk
I hope everyone's doing well. I'll update you on my fiction output soon.
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