I've been reading a book called THE GENTLE ART OF VERBAL SELF-DEFENSE by Suzette Haden Elgin recently. It came recommended to me by someone who shant be mentioned here regarding situations in my life that have gotten out of hand. I highly recommend the book to anyone who feels harassed or intimated by someone....it'll give you pointers on how to turn the tables and win the verbal assault, or at least take away the power they think they have. Life, my friends, is a weird thing. When I was young, I thought I'd be rich and know everything by the age of 40. Well, that didn't happen. As a matter of fact, I've come to the recent conclusion that I know very little about a great deal in life. We get up, we go to work, we come home, if we are lucky, we have loved in that time as well. I have the advantage these days of having two (nix that, THREE children who love me....my eldest has recently returned to the roost after a long hiatus...welcome home, Sarah!) and I am a truly blessed man in those regards. My children have helped me through some tough times, let me tell you! Anyway, just wanted to recommend a book to y'all. It's been out a while, so you ought to be able to find a used copy easily.
By the way, that clip art attached is the cover to a compilation by one of my favorite 70's bands, Wishbone Ash. I highly recommend them, too. I didn't get into their music until a few years back....proving yet again that I don't know everything.
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