Life is a confusing thing, my friends. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, a monkey wrench gets thrown into the mix. And, it's made even more confusing by people's perspective. Take the picture attached to this post. I find it rather creative and a tad humorous. Some people will find it offensive. It's kind of the same with life, I think. The topics of love, sex, marriage and commitment are things that have weighed heavily on my mind lately. I was married to a woman I was committed to. She wasn't committed to me. The reality of the situation is that she was committed to one person and one person only - herself. It devastated me to discover that, after eight years of being together, she walked away without even so much as a second thought. Eight years - roughly a tenth of the average lifetime these days - became a joke in a matter of minutes. It was (and still is) a difficult pill for me to swallow. But, things are getting better. I realize that we all have our issues and that she had plenty of her own. The way I dealt with them in the past, and recently, has changed. I have embraced our children and their future. They are primary. They always have been. Ultimately, it's who you take care of, love and support, that will define you. Embrace someone, love them with all you have. If they don't return that love, that's their problem, not yours. You did your best. And, if you're hurting someone emotionally (even if you don't mean to), stop it. They deserve better than that.
More on this later, when I ponder the reality that is my life deeper.
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