Well, our old governor Rod final got his come-uppance. Sounds like he'll be fitted with a striped suit and a boyfriend named Bubba very, very soon. It's sad that Illinois is known for its criminally active governors. I saw on the news that our president-elect was distancing himself from the man. Smart. Of course, I doubt Obama would have gotten far in Illinois politics without smoozing up to Rod but, now that he's President, he's forsaken the man. Which brings me to the topic of this blog— who can you trust? Our Governor thought he had a friend, but he was wrong. He had someone who was using him just as much as he was using the friend. The friend got in a pinch with the Feds and ratted Rod out without a second thought. Of course, one could argue that it was inevitable. Our Governor was as crooked as a dog's hind leg and he's single-handedly destroyed Illinois. The corruption within his administration is legendary. He deserves a date (sans soap-on-a-rope) with Bubba in the prison shower. Of course, that'll never happen. He'll be sent off to some cushiony resort-like prison with satellite TV, Wii players to while away the hours, and conjugal visits from the Mrs. It'll be a lot like going on a vacation. And, as young as he is, he'll make new friends in prison who'll set him up for the rest of his life. Or, he'll write a book about his escapades and make millions. It could be the best thing that ever happened to him. Certainly the best thing to happen to the state of Illinois in a long, long time. Or, at least, everyone here hopes so.
The picture attached to this post is of Manly Wade Wellman's WHO FEARS THE DEVIL? It is a classic collection of southern stories about Silver John and his battle against evil. In the cinematic version of the book, THE LEGEND OF HILLBILLY JOHN, the movie ends with Silver John walking toward the White House to do battle with evil. Let's hope the people who think Obama is the anti-christ are wrong.
Food for thought.
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