Good evening, fellers and fellerettes,
Welcome to a new year. I know, I know. I'm a bit late in that welcome but, oh well, better late than never. This year will prove to be historic in many ways. The first African-American President takes office in a matter of days. That, in itself, will put 2009 forever in the history books. But, let's face it....Obama's got a lot to fix. I'm not sure he'll be able to do it. Sure, sure, we needed a change. Eight years of the horrorshow we experienced with Dubja and his gang have driven the nation into bankruptcy and record unemployment. Can Obama fix that? Dear God, I hope so. I suppose time will tell. Anyway, I knew I hadn't posted a blog in this, the year of change, so here 'tis. I'm sure I'll have more relevant things to say in the weeks and months to come. And, once again, to those who are reading this with a critical eye....don't you have anything better to do?
I thought so.
Happy New Year, folks.
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