For some time now, I've had a fascination with the Dime novel. These were books published cheaply and in very poor quality, mostly, during the 1870's - 1910 or so. These books weren't terribly well-written for the most part, but they were escapism, pure and simple. Yesterday, while perusing the used book store here in town, I came across a book called EIGHT DIME NOVELS edited by E.F. Blieiler. I, of course, bought it on the spot. The introduction has an interesting list of books published in the time and, thanks to the internet, I've managed to download a few more dime novels. One novel in particular, JACK WRIGHT AND HIS ELECTRIC STAGE, sounds like pure escapism....and it'll be my next book to read (after I finish Hemingway's ACROSS THE RIVER AND INTO THE TREES). I found that book at Project Gutenberg, an awesome resource for long out-of-print public domain novels. Check them out at www.projectgutenberg.org
I found an old Manly Wade Wellman book, THE DEVIL'S ASTEROID, there as well. Collecting Wellman's books is a bit of a pasttime for me, anyway, and I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 of his books now. He was a great writer, and I recommend starting with his Silver John stories if you're interested in reading some great southern horror. WHO FEARS THE DEVIL? is the book you need to look for. It shouldn't be too hard to find out there.
Anyway, figured I'd post something that might peak your interests. See, I can write a gentle blog entry when the mood strikes me.
Have a good day, gentle readers.