Well, here I am, two hours and some change away from a new year. I always try to stay up and watch the ball drop in Times Square. Why? You got me....but it's something I've done since I was in my late teens. I've got some new year's resolutions - exercise more, eat healthier, try to put the past further behind me, find a good woman to share my life with, etc. The same sort of resolutions that, I'm sure, millions of people make. My son, Darrien, was sick tonight. He literally vomited a dozen times. Every time he'd ask for a drink of water, it came back up ten minutes later. I took the gamble of getting barfed on and laid with him in his bed until he fell asleep. Hopefully, he'll be better in the morning. That's the title of this blog- better in the morning. I've spent the last week reflecting back on the past year and made some decisions regarding certain things. I won't allow them to carry on into the new year. I have symbolically taken a shovel and buried those thing in the past. I will remember them, of course, but I will do my best in the coming year to not let them govern me as they did in 2008. 2009 is a new year. I'm trying to look at it like an artist would. It's a canvas, and I can either paint a beautiful picture on it, or something ugly. I prefer to paint the beauty that life has to offer. The ugliness will still be there, of course. You'll never get completely away from it. But, there truly is a lot of beauty in life. There's pain and strife, but everyone has that. Push it aside and embrace the good things that life has to offer.
That, ultimately, is my new year's resolution....see more beauty in life.
Not a bad resolution, if I don't say so myself.
Here's hoping everyone sees the beauty in 2009.