Well, the divorce is final. I got a surprise call from my lawyer on Tuesday saying I had to sign a waiver. I drove over to Marion yesterday and signed the paper that sent the last ten years of my life finally and inextricably into the past forever. Oddly enough, I slept like a baby last night (and Tuesday night, for that matter). My heart was punched so much over the past year and a half that, now, the callouses have hardened into a tough and resilient outer shell.
That is what I want to talk about tonight, gentle readers.....the prospect of new love after a horrible assault on your heart. Trust me, I'm something of an authority on the subject now. But, I also found a wonderful woman without whom the past several days might have been very difficult indeed to live through. Stephanie told me a few weeks ago that I looked better rested than when we first got together. My response was simple - "Can you guess why?" After a moment, she smiled. She has eased my pain and given me a new lease on life in a lot of ways. I've told her many times that we needed to take things slow and easy, let them work out in their own sweet time, but I have made leaps and bounds back toward feeling like a human being again....and I owe it all to her sweetness and compassion.
So, I guess what I'm saying is this: time will heal your pain, my friend. It will make you realize there IS a reason to carry on, a reason to fight for that every-elusive beast called love. Stephanie has proven to me that good women truly do exist. Trust me, for over a year I've had a lot of crap slung at me (hence the humorous clipart attached to this post) and I felt like crawling in a hole and throwing the dirt over me. Not any longer, my friends. There's still some fight in me.
On that note, I have hardcovers of my poetry collection, ALL SUMMER LONG, available for sell. I'll post them on my website soon and in local stores in the coming weeks, but you can e-mail me if you want a copy. rtrexler@siu.edu.
Hope everyone is doing well....and, believe me, this isn't the last post on love.
More as things develop.
later, Roger
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