I've been pondering the concept known as "love" for quite some time now. As readers of my blog will attest, the past year and a half have been hard on your humble author. That's all right....I'm tough and I can handle things. For those who aren't acquainted with my blog, I'll cut to the chase. My wife, with whom I'd been with for almost a decade, moved out after finishing nursing school last year. It devastated me. I loved her very much. But, that said, I also knew she didn't love me. That didn't stop the devastation, didn't stop the hurt when she laughed at me and openly flaunted "the other man" in my face. We could go into details, but there's no point. That "love" is over with. Stick a fork in it, throw the burnt and nasty-tasting thing in the garbage. Microwave something instead. It'll satiate your hunger better than that "love."
Flash forward a year and some change. I met a woman. Actually, I think we met each other. Well, that's probably not true, either. I kept seeing her around and, eventually, the notion that she was a beautiful woman overpowered the pain in my heart and told me to try and win her heart. I tried.....and, much to my surprise, I think I have. She certainly has won mine. Stephanie is, perhaps, the most wonderful woman I've ever known. I feel like I've known her forever, and we've only dated two months! I am totally thankful to know her and I wish I'd met her years ago. This is a woman with heart and integrity....and, as I've said before, "she's mine....get your own." Any gal who'll dress up as Raggedy Ann for you....well, you better keep her around.
Words of wisdom from your humble author.
More on love later, Roger
But wait until she hears about this odd little conventions you go to and these strange writers you know...
I second Wayne's comment :)
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