This post is sort of a tie-in to the last post about John Waite. My friend Wayne Allen Sallee sent the picture that accompanies this post. I found the picture rather humorous, so I put it up here (and I honestly don't know where Wayne finds this stuff....but I'm glad he does). Anyway, I started thinking about people's sense of humor, and was reminded of the movie "About Last Night". One of my guilty pleasure movies, "About Last Night" is a coming-of-age love story with Rob Lowe, Jim Belushi and Demi Moore (and, as a side bar, if you REALLY want to see Demi Moore's breasts, this is the movie.....STRIPTEASE sickened me to see what she'd done to her beautiful body). Anyway, it's a story of a boy and girl who get together, fall in love, and end up disintegrating from the pressures of life. Jim Belushi is Rob Lowe's amiable sidekick and, in one scene where they're walking along Lake Shore Drive, Belushi's drunken character pulls Rob Lowe aside and says: "Never lose your sense of humor, Dan. Never lose your sense of humor."
Good advice, I think.
To get back to the John Waite tie-in. the end sequence of love reborn is augmented by one of my favorite John Waite songs, "If Anyone Had A Heart." Great song...sadly, he didn't play it last Saturday.
Hope everyone is doing well. More later, Roger