Forget that last post, your humble author forgot one of the fundamental rules of the Internet - reboot your modem. Once I did, all the planets realigned and my high speed Internet was cruising again. Oddly enough, both the Annihilation Press website (www.annihilationpress.com) and my personal one (www.rogerdaletrexler.com) were back up as well. Don't know what the heck happened there and I really don't care as long as everything is working. It's 3:15 a.m. at the moment. I awoke to the sound of the cat bouncing off the walls downstairs at 2 a.m. (he's weird) and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to get up and get a little work done. Today is the Printing and Duplicating annual Xmas party and I'm looking forward to seeing my old friend and mentor John Tweedy. John retired last year and I miss him. He taught me a lot about printing.
Speaking of printing, I've had nothing but difficulty getting the cover to HELL IN THE HEARTLAND printed. I'm going to look for a new printer this week and send the PDF file to someone new soon. Guess I'm not the only Internet Idjit out there.
Hope everyone's doing well. Enjoy the clipart with this post....and spread the Xmas cheer.
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