Well, I figured I'd better put up a new post since Craig Reeves (of Craig and Bert fame - see my poetry collection, ALL SUMMER LONG, for a poem about them) said he was reading my blog regularly. I saw Craig and Bert and a the whole gang out on Saturday night when Stace England rocked PK's. (Check out Stace's website and buy his cds, www.staceengland.com). It was an awesome show with Chris McKinley providing some stellar backing vocals).
There's not all that much to report elsewise, I guess. I've got MURDER AT PK'S all but finished. The epilogue is all that needs to be written, and I'll try to do that Thursday night when I am, once again, sans children. Right now, I'm just enjoying their company. It's December and that means Xmas is right around the corner. Of course, I'm not ready. Not by a long shot. I'm baking cookies tonight, though, in an effort to get in the Xmas spirit. Of course, my daughter Hope is eating the butterscotch chips out of the cookie dough, but that's what the holidays are for. In between butterscotch chips, she and Darrien are watching RUDOLPH THE RED NOSE REINDEER on television. I'm waiting for the cookies to finish baking so I can have a cookie (there's a metaphor in that somewhere). So, life ain't too bad. Hope everyone is doing well....and, Craig, I'll try to post something more interesting next time.
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