I've been jonesing for some good music lately. Good LIVE music. Sure, you can go out and see Tawl Paul and Slapping Henry Blue, the Bourbon Knights, the Woodbox Gang and several other truly good local bands, but I'm talking about TOURING bands that come to town. One of my favorite touring bands out there is Bonepony. They're a three-piece band from Nashville, TN and they play an interesting type of hillbilly-fueled music they call "stomp". When I wrote for the Nightlife here in Carbondale, Chris Wissman assigned me that band for an article, and I've been a fan ever since. I'm listening to their latest cd, the live album entitled "Celebration Highway". There's no gloom and doom in this music, my friends. Bonepony is all about feeling good, having fun and LIVING. I like to think of them as hillbilly hippies that entered a wormhole and ended up in modern times. Stranded, with no hope of returning to simpler times, they did what they do - they started playing their music for the masses. It's been years, literally, since the band played Carbondale, but I made it to every show they had here. I have all their albums, including a buttload of bootlegs you can download for free off www.stompshoe.com. Their website is, of course, www.bonepony.com. I urge you to download some of the free stuff ("Savannah Flowers" is one my favorite songs by them) and, if you like it, buy a cd or two from the band. They deserve all the support they can get.
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