At long, long last, HELL IN THE HEARTLAND is available. It should have been out around the middle of last year, but co-editor Martel Sardina and I both had personal issues to attend to. They pushed back the editing and release of the book. But, that's all over with now. I will be shipping payments and contributor copies on Friday, February 1. The book is available now for $12.95 at www.annihilationpress.com and will be available in local bookstores very soon. It's been a long time coming, but this is a collection of sixteen wonderful and eclectic stories that run through the horror/mystery/dark fantasy genres. It's a good collection of stories, if I do say so myself, and I'm proud that it's finally available to the public.
Now, on to MURDER AT PK'S (book) and THE BIG MUDDY MONSTER (low-budget horror film).
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