I learned a looonnnggg time ago that what you say can get you in trouble. It's doubly so with the written word. I wrote some things for the school paper back in high school that got me frowned upon, and it seems my blog is under fire now, too. Last month, I posted an entry about something. I wouldn't say I was angry, but I was certainly upset. My blog is sort of an online diary for me, so I posted that entry. I have, today, deleted that entry. Now, before you go around saying I didn't stand up for my Freedom of Speech or any of that other stuff, let me tell you why I deleted it. I deleted that entry solely out of respect for the person it was written about. It wasn't meant to be hurtful at all. It was just me venting steam, and I will continue to vent steam all I want on my blog. But, that entry was probably something I should have pondered on. Sometimes, I can make rash decisions. We all can. I have corrected that decision today, but don't think I can be coerced because of it. I removed the entry because I wanted to. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm a firm believer in the Freedom of Speech. If it didn't exist, I would probably be a subversive and write what I wanted to anyway. That's just the way I am. I will not make a habit of removing posts because someone finds them offensive or upsetting. If you don't like what I write on my blog, go somewhere else. You have that right. I have the right to write and think what I want, even if you don't like it. Just don't read it. That's all the advice I can give you on that one, so I'll shut up now.
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